A phenomenon I have noticed with JWs in my area is that they see nothing wrong with gossiping negatively about worldly people. They consider it a sin to gossip about fellow Witnesses. But JW elders openly gossip with other JWs about their non-JW bosses, their non-JW neighbors and others - especially when it comes to practices that JWs consider bad, like celebrating christmas, halloween, etc. They are total hypocrites.
Island Man
JoinedPosts by Island Man
Are JWs the most gossiping people on earth?
by Londo111 inwe all gossip.
it is only human.
watchtower actually tries to instruct adherents not to gossip and it can land a jw in front of a judicial committee—some do try to follow this admonition.
I need to know more on why its a problem for me dating a JW girl.
by seekinghelpp inok not to throw no shade or no disrespect to the jw religion.
which i truly do respect because my girlfriend is part of but i just don't understand, i have researched so much about it.
so much about how its discouraged for her to be with me just cause of different religion.
Island Man
The problem is, you'll be dating 7 old men in New York, by proxy. Faithful JW women are too busy with "theocratic activities" and too concerned about the bad association that will come from their non-JW husbands, to have a truly meaningful and truly intimate relationship with their non-JW husbands.
JWs is not a religion. JWs is a state of mind. JWs is a culture. JWs is a cult. Want to know the difference between a religion and a cult? A religion is something that you have. A cult is something that has you! Watchtower has the JWs - like puppets on a string. If you want to marry a puppet, go right ahead. Don't say we didn't warn you.
Taking the Bible Lessons And Going To a KH For First Time
by Cold Steel ini've taken the bible lessons but have never attended a kingdom hall.
i was curious as to what point they begin to tighten the screws of control?
let's say you're a baptist.
Island Man
Mormon cult v JW cult
No difference.No, no, no! The Mormon cult is definitely more stupid because there is a lot more evidence disproving more of it's ridiculous claims given how recent it's holy book is and the falsifiable nature of its claims. You have to be more gullible to join the Mormons as an adult, than to join the JWs.
The JWs on the other hand, are using the Bible which is much older and less falsifiable than the book of Mormon. So even though the claims are also stupid they are also less falsifiable so it's a tad bit less silly to fall for the JWs. On the other hand, the JWs are more dangerous than the Mormons.
So Mormons are dumber than the JWs but a bit less dangerous/harmful. The JWs are a tad bit less dumb, but more dangerous/harmful.
Are JWs the most gossiping people on earth?
by Londo111 inwe all gossip.
it is only human.
watchtower actually tries to instruct adherents not to gossip and it can land a jw in front of a judicial committee—some do try to follow this admonition.
Island Man
I don't know if they're the most gossiping people on earth. But the very judgmental nature of the religion with the many man-made rules forbidding or discouraging innocuous things like men having beards and women wearing pants to the meeting creates a large content-set of faults to see in others and gossip about.
Also the level of secrecy surrounding the reasons for someone being announced as no longer being one of Jehovah's Witnesses, naturally arouses curiosity and speculation and, inevitably, gossiping.
So the JW culture is one that is very conducive to gossip. But I don't know if they're the most gossiping.
The Biggest Mistake The GB Have Made In The Last 10 Years
by pale.emperor ini think the single biggest mistake the governing body have made in the last 10 years has to be creating jw broadcasting and putting their gb members on there... on a weekly basis too.. when i was a kid, i had no idea who the governing body were, what their names were or what they looked like.
there was one or two long term pioneers that knew the names of two of them but that was about it.. when i was about 10yo i imagined they looked something like this:.
ahh.... those learned men with a lifetime of bible knowledge just oozing out of their very hearts.
Island Man
I think the biggest mistake has been their recent emphasis on the use of smart-phones, and tablets and the promotion of jw.bog. This means that JWs are now being unwittingly encouraged to have greater exposure to online information which means that the new generation of JWs is now at much greater risk of being exposed to TTATT.
If Watchtower can use a non-sequitur to say that Jesus now knows the day and the hour, despite Matthew 24:36 ....
by Island Man in... where's the good sense preventing them from again making a date prediction for the end and using a non-sequitur to justify their claim in the face of matthew 24:36?
"... but christ has been empowered in heaven to wage war against satan's world.
(rev 19:11-16) thus, it is reasonable to conclude that jesus now knows when armageddon will occur...." - watchtower july 2016, page 14, par.
Island Man
"Jan do you think Christ will only know after the event has started?"
The way I picture it, is that he's in heaven and he's just waiting for his Father to give him the nod for him to immediately start the battle. Until he gets the nod he has no idea when it will be.
If Watchtower can use a non-sequitur to say that Jesus now knows the day and the hour, despite Matthew 24:36 ....
by Island Man in... where's the good sense preventing them from again making a date prediction for the end and using a non-sequitur to justify their claim in the face of matthew 24:36?
"... but christ has been empowered in heaven to wage war against satan's world.
(rev 19:11-16) thus, it is reasonable to conclude that jesus now knows when armageddon will occur...." - watchtower july 2016, page 14, par.
Island Man
... Where's the good sense preventing them from again making a date prediction for the end and using a non-sequitur to justify their claim in the face of Matthew 24:36?
"... But Christ has been empowered in heaven to wage war against Satan's world. (Rev 19:11-16) Thus, it is reasonable to conclude that Jesus now knows when Armageddon will occur...." - Watchtower July 2016, page 14, par. 4.
Is the reasoning valid or is it a glaring non-sequitur? Does Christ being empowered to wage war in the future at Armageddon necessitate him now knowing the day and the hour of the end? If I appoint a lawyer to administer my estate upon my death, does that necessitate the lawyer knowing the day and the hour of my death, in advance?
If Watchtower can use such strange reasoning to say Jesus now knows the day and the hour, where's the good sense to stop them using similar strange reasoning in the future to set another date for the end and say that they now know because [insert crazy, non-sequitur reasoning here]? -
Coming Out To My JW Sister
by Ame SF innow, i have been mentally "awake" for quite a while, but i'll just say march/april this year.
i won't go into detail about what it was that made me "realize" everything, so don't bother asking.. so, i've known for years that i wasn't like most girls in my classes, kingdom hall, and just in general.
from a very young age i had that obvious interest in the same sex, but seeing as i was seemingly the only one feeling that way i would brush it off and eventually i started getting interested in guys.
Island Man
Human sexuality is not limited to 3 discrete enumerations of homo, hetero and bi. Human sexuality is actually a smooth continuum. There are nominal heterosexuals who will find some few members of the same sex attractive; and there a nominal homosexuals who will find some members of the opposite sex attractive. Most people are at least very slightly bisexual but just choose to identify with the label that matches the gender they're most often attracted to and they may feel "dirty" about being attracted to someone of the other gender and work to suppress and ignore it, because there's the social and psychological pressure to choose one of the major labels and stick to it, so that life isn't complicated. Bisexuals are those persons at or near the middle of the continuum where the attraction to both genders are too strong for them to just choose one and suppress the other.
The 1914 doctrine: How long it will last?
by opusdei1972 inone hundred years have passed and the society still supports this lie, which of course, is the basis of their other lies, like that of the unfaithful and not discreet slave appointed in 1919. however, i wonder, what will happen after 50 years, when the overlapped generation will pass?.
and if you want, what will happen with this religion in 2100?, could it survive with the same lie??
Island Man
I predict that 1914 will be dumped sometime within the next 25 years.
Is The Time Coming Soon When We Can Sue The Watchtower Corporation For Damages From Mind Control And Bankrupt Them?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think as we become a more enlightened society in the future we will be able to.i think laws of this nature may be in the works in some countries right now perhaps not addressing the actual mind control issue in those terms but laws to protect its subject from those that use those tactics to harm their people through fraudulent means.
so i think the wt hope for financial survival in the information age is very slim.
look at what spain, russia, are already doing.. but they may just go under financially from way sooner because of multple lawsuits and loss of charity status in one country after another..
Island Man
Unfortunately, the legal system has not yet matured to that level. Maybe in the future.